Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Laurent Busé, Curves and Surfaces, 66h ETD, M1, EPU of the university of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Master: Bernard Mourrain, Real effective algebraic geometry, 30h, M2 Mathématiques, Univ. Nice Sopha Antipolis,
PhD in progress: Elisa Berrini, Parametric modeling for ship hull deformation and optimization. CIFRE with MyCFD, started in January 2014, supervised by Bernard Mourrain.
PhD in progress: Mathieu Collowald, Integral representation of shapes for feature conservation or extraction, started in 2011, supervised by Evelyne Hubert.
Laurent Busé was part of the PhD jury of José Naéliton da Silva (residual intersections and annihilators of Koszul homologies) at IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, April 13.
Evelyne Hubert was part of the PhD juries of Romain Casati (modélisation numérique de structures élancées pour l’informatique graphique) from University of Grenoble, of Romain Basson (Arithmétique des espaces de modules des courbes hyperelliptiques de genre 3 en caracteéristique positive) from University of Rennes, of Mathieu Collowald (Multivariate moment problems: applications of the reconstruction of linear forms on the polynomial ring) Inria, Sophia Antipolis, defended in December.
Bernard Mourrain was member of the PhD juries of Esteban Segura Ugalde (Computation of Invariant Pairs and Matrix Solvents) University of Limoges, defended in June; of Simone Naldi (Exact algorithms for determinantal varieties and semidefinite programming) LAAS, Toulouse, defended in September; of Mathieu Collowald (Multivariate moment problems: applications of the reconstruction of linear forms on the polynomial ring) Inria, Sophia Antipolis, defended in December.
Bernard Mourrain was member of the Jury for Inria CR2 positions at the center of Inria Rôhne-Alpes, Grenoble.